Article Writing


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article writing

There is so much to read and learn these days. Have you noticed how your favourite bloggers or writers come up with unique content on new topics almost every day? In the digital era, writers have to be extra careful about how they present their ideas. It should be collated in such a way that it influences a larger audience at the same time. However, article writing is not everyone’s cup of tea and needs creative thinking. Whether you want to pursue Content Writing courses or want to flourish your Journalism career, adhering to the structure along with presenting ideas in a well-structured way is what a writer needs to take care of. Yes, even articles have a distinct structure. Before delving into how to write an article should look, let us first understand the basics of it.

This Blog Includes:
  1. What is Article Writing?
  2. Objectives of Article Writing
  3. Tips for Writing a Good Article
  4. Article Writing Format
    1. Heading or Title
    2. Byline or Name of the Author
    3. Body of the Article
    1. Step 1: Find your target audience
    2. Step 2: Select a topic and an attractive heading
    3. Step 3: Research is the Key
    4. Step 4: Write and Proofread
    5. Step 5: Add Images and Infographics

    What is Article Writing?

    Playing a major role in society, an article is a piece of information that is written to influence or provide information to people at large. The form and the style of article writing may vary from one topic or writer to another. Yet, an ideal article provides all the relevant factual information to the people which catches their attention, allows them to think and triggers them to act. There are several types of articles, including:

    Objectives of Article Writing

    An article must be written with the following objectives in mind:

    Tips for Writing a Good Article

    Here’s a step-by-step guide with plenty of helpful hints to help you write an excellent article in no time:

    Article Writing Format

    Whatever you wish to write, it is important for you to first know the structure of the article and then mention the details accordingly. Divided mainly into 3 sections- Heading, Byline and Body, let us have a look at the article writing format you should keep in mind while composing your piece of information.

    Heading or Title

    The first thing to be noticed and the most important component in article writing is the heading/title. To draw the attention of the readers, it is important to give a catchy heading of not more than 5 to 6 words to the article.

    Byline or Name of the Author

    Below the title comes the byline which states the name of the author who has written the article. This part helps the writer earn the actual credit that they deserve.

    Body of the Article

    The body consists of the main content of an article. Be it story writing or article writing, it is completely upon the author to fix the length of the composition and the number of paragraphs that would embed the information. Generally, an article contains 3 or 4 paragraphs wherein, the first paragraph introduces the readers to what the article will be about and all the prerequisite information. The second and third paragraphs will cover the crux of the topic and here, all the relevant data, case studies and statistics are presented. Following this, the fourth paragraph will conclude the article where the solutions to the problems, as presented in the second and third passages (if any) will be discussed.

    Step By Step Guide for Article Writing

    After knowing the format, let us have a look at the 5 simple steps involved in the process of article writing:

    Step 1: Find your target audience

    Before writing on any topic, it is important for a writer to first identify the audience the article targets. It can be a particular group of people, children, students, teenagers, young adults, middle-aged, elderly people, business people, service class, etc. Whichever group of people you choose to write for, select a topic that directly or indirectly impacts their lives or spreads the relevant information.

    For example, if the article focuses on parents, then you might write about child psychology, the daily nutritional diet of a child, etc. The tone and the language should also match the suitable audience in article writing.

    Step 2: Select a topic and an attractive heading

    After you have chosen your target audience, the second important step in article writing is to choose an apt topic for your composition. This gives an idea of how you should process with the article. After you select the topic, then think of an intriguing title for the same.

    For example, if you want to make the students aware of the various MBA specializations available, you can write – “Everything you need to know about MBA specializations”.

    Step 3: Research is the Key

    Consequent to selecting your targeted audience, topic and title of the article, research is the most important thing in article writing. Read umpteen articles, statistics, facts, data, and new governing laws (if any) to get a hang of all the information to be incorporated in the article. Additionally, check the authenticity of the data, so that you do not state anything outdated. Before proceeding with the article writing, prepare a rough draft or an outline of the article in bullet points and keywords so that you don’t miss out on the important information.

    Step 4: Write and Proofread

    Once you have collected all the facts and data, you can now begin your article writing. As discussed, start the article with an introductory paragraph, followed by a descriptive and a concluding paragraph. While writing all the things, you should keep a consistent, unique, and simple tone. Here, using a paraphrase online will be a helpful option for you. It will make you write original, engaging, as well as user-friendly articles. So, with the help of this tool, you can easily manage all the aspects of writing and successfully complete the articles. After you have written everything, it is pertinent to proofread your entire article and check whether there are any grammatical errors. As a reader, it becomes a major turn-off when you spot even the minutest of a mistake. Also, make sure that the content is not copied from some other website.

    Step 5: Add Images and Infographics

    To make your content even more attractive for people to read, you can also include some infographics. Adding images makes the article even more engaging and it proves to be more influential. Thus making the purpose of your article writing successful!

    Sample of Article Writing

    Given below is a sample that can give you more clarity on how to write an impeccable article:

    There is so much to read and learn these days. Have you noticed how your favourite bloggers or writers come up with unique content on new topics almost every day? In the digital era, writers have to be extra careful about how they present their ideas. It should be collated in such a way that it influences a larger audience at the same time. However, article writing is not everyone’s cup of tea and needs creative thinking. Whether you want to pursue Content Writing courses or want to flourish your Journalism career, adhering to the structure along with presenting ideas in a well-structured way is what a writer needs to take care of. Yes, even articles have a distinct structure. Before delving into how to write an article should look, let us first understand the basics of it. What is an Article? Playing a major role in society, an article is a piece of information that is written to influence or provide information to people at large. The form and the style of article writing may vary from one topic or writer to another. Yet, an ideal article is the one that provides all the relevant factual information to the people which catches their attention, allows them to think and triggers to act. How do you write an Article? Whatever you wish to write, it is important for you to first know the structure of the article and then mention the details accordingly. Divided mainly into 3 sections- Heading, Byline and the Body, let us have a look at the article writing format you should keep in mind while composing your piece of information. Heading or Title The first thing to be noticed and the most important component in article writing is the heading/title. In order to draw the attention of the readers, it is important to give a catchy heading of not more than 5 to 6 words to the article. <a href=Byline or Name of the Author Below the title comes the byline which states the name of the author who has written the article. This part helps the writer earn the actual credit that they deserve. Body of the Article The body consists of the main content of an article. Be it story writing or article writing, it is completely upon the author to fix the length of the composition and the number of paragraphs that would embed the information. Generally, an article contains 3 or 4 paragraphs wherein, the first paragraph introduces the readers to what the article will be about and all the prerequisite information. The second and third paragraph will cover the crux of the topic and here, all the relevant data, case studies and statistics are presented. Following this, the fourth paragraph will conclude the article where the solutions to the problems, as presented in the second and third passage (if any) will be discussed. Also Read: How to Write a Book? Article Writing: Step By Step Guide After knowing the format, let us have a look at the 5 simple steps involved in the process of article writing: Step 1: Find your target audience Before writing on any topic, it is important for a writer to first identify the audience the article targets. It can be a particular group of people, children, students, teenagers, young adults, middle-aged, elderly people, business people, service class, etc. Whichever group of people you choose to write for, select a topic that directly or indirectly impacts their lives or spreads the relevant information. For example, if the article focuses on parents, then you might write about child psychology, the daily nutritional diet of a child, etc. The tone and the language should also match the suitable audience in article writing. Step 2: Select a topic and an attractive heading After you have chosen your target audience, the second important step in the article writing is to choose an apt topic for your composition. This gives an idea on how you should process with the article. After you select the topic, then think of an intriguing title for the same. For example, if you want to make the students aware of the various MBA specializations available, you can write - “Everything you need to know about MBA specializations”. Step 3: Research is the Key Consequent to selecting your targeted audience, topic and title of the article, research is the most important thing in article writing. Read umpteen articles, statistics, facts, and data, and new governing laws (if any) to get a hang of all the information to be incorporated in the article. Additionally, check the authenticity of the data, so that you do not state anything outdated. Before proceeding with the article writing, prepare a rough draft or an outline of the article in bullet points and keywords so that you don’t miss out on the important information. Step 4: Write and Proofread Once you have collected all the facts and data, you can now begin your article writing. As discussed, start the article with an introductory paragraph, followed by descriptive and a concluding paragraph. After you have written everything, it is pertinent to proofread your entire article and check whether there are any grammatical errors. As a reader, it becomes a major turn off when you spot even the minutest of a mistake. Also, make sure that the content is not copied from some other website. Step 5: Add Images and Infographics To make your content even more attractive for the people to read, you can also include some infographics. Adding images makes the article even more engaging and it proves to be more influential. Thus making the purpose of your article writing successful! Also Read: Technical Writing Article Writing: Sample Given below is a sample that can give you more clarity on how to write an impeccable article: " width="581" height="646" />

    Know What is Technical Writing!

    Article Writing on Covid-19 for Students

    Covid -19 for Students
    By Sahil

    Covid-19 has affected all sections of human life. While it affected all industry sectors it has a major impact on education. Classes were switched from offline to online at night but it created confusion among students, especially the ones that were about to enter college. Students even took a gap year hoping for the situation to get better. While schools and colleges are opening because vaccination is in full swing across the globe there are still many challenges.

    Understanding COVID-19, how it spreads, and how to protect ourselves are the most important things to be learned first as soon as the school reopens. Students should know the rules they are going to follow and the benefits of following the covid-19 Safety Rules in the School Classroom. It’s very difficult to make the children understand because innocent minds may not get acquainted with the current situation.

    To avoid the risk of contracting the Covid- 19, these rules should be followed by every student and school faculty at all times. Students must carry hand sanitisers at all times. Students should never sneeze on their hands, rather they should cover them with their elbows, or may use a tissue or a handkerchief. Inform students not to touch their eyes, nose, and mouth frequently. As chances are high that the virus gets spread through the touching of the eyes and nose. If students and teachers follow these basic rules, the spread can be stopped and schools can reopen.

    Article on My Vision of India in the Future

    My Vision of India in the Future
    By Aayush

    Most of us have a psychological barrier to looking at India’s future vision, and those who perceive the future as coming straight out of the present typically have their perspective narrowed as well. I believe that the year 2050 will belong to individuals who strive to recognise diversity as a virtue in and of itself, rather than as a tool for combating new mental monocultures or a necessary compromise for social and ethical concord. In the future, India will be in the centre of the world, with variety valued as a goal in itself. My vision statement is neither a forecast of what will happen nor a wish list of desirable but unreachable goals.

    It’s a statement of what we believe our country can achieve, given the level of concern that our current youth has about issues like corruption, pollution, and mismanagement of natural resources, among other things. Recognize that the elements that affect national development have changed in recent years and will continue to change in the future when imagining India in 2050. This is expected to create more opportunities than ever before.

    The expanding impact and influence of India in domains such as technology, education, information, and productive skills supports the belief that India will attain and sustain higher economic growth and development in the decades ahead.

    Article Writing Topics

    Do you have to write an article that is trending right now and will help you score better or help you practice better? Here is the list of current topics for article writing:

    1. Global Warming
    2. Environmental Pollution
    3. Corruption
    4. Impact of Internet
    5. Women Empowerment
    6. Education and Movies
    7. Value of Games in Education
    8. Yoga and Mind Healing
    9. Importance of Mental Health
    10. Importance of Education in Society

    Common Mistakes to Avoid in Article Writing

    The likelihood of errors increases now that you understand the phases of article writing and the article writing format. The following are some examples of common blunders:

    Points to Keep in Mind

    6 Recommended Travel Writing Courses

    PPT on Article Writing

    Article writing a step by step guide from DC Priyan

    Scope of Article Writing

    Whether you want to work as an article writer for your current employer or make a name for yourself in the journalism world, your voice and skill are in high demand. What matters is that you keep writing and learning.

    The road may be difficult at first. Even if you have a good idea of who you are as a writer and where you fit best, there will be obstacles. At first, every writer experiences this.

    Or you may have no idea what intrigues you or what format works best with your natural writing strengths. Keep your cool! You’ll keep learning as you go. When your work is published and assignments begin to flood your inbox, the road will become smoother.

    When written well, it becomes a natural part of the audience’s experience. Article writers influence how content is presented and how people think. Even when trying to write someone else’s vision, your talent makes it worthwhile to read.

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    What is Article Writing?

    An article is a piece of information that is written to influence or provide information to people at large. The form and the style of article writing may vary from one topic or writer to another.

    What are some common mistakes to avoid in Article Writing?

    Not using facts or quotes or similar cases
    Using a tone that is too formal
    Using difficult vocabulary without knowing its meaning
    Not using a catchy title for your article
    No use of paragraphs to bifurcate information
    Not expressing personal views or opinions

    Which writing style to use while creating an article?

    The style of article writing varies from one topic or writer to another.

    Thus, article writing is a form of art that improves only with practice and the right approach. If you want to pursue a career in a field where writing plays an essential role but are confused about the program then take the assistance of Leverage Edu’s AI tool which will curate a list of the most suitable universities and courses that align with your professional goals!