Our Mission

Initially established as the signature program of Love Our Children USA™ in 2003, its founder recognized a critical need to address the issue of bullying and cyberbullying and created STOMP Out Bullying™ in 2005.

Today STOMP Out Bullying™ is the leading national bullying and cyberbullying prevention organization for kids and teens in the U.S.

A pioneer on the issue, it is the most influential anti-bullying and cyberbullying organization in the country and beyond.

STOMP Out Bullying™ is dedicated to changing the culture for all students. It works to reduce and prevent bullying, cyberbullying and other digital abuse, educates against homophobia, LGBTQ discrimination, racism and hatred, and deters violence in schools, online and in communities across the country. In this diverse world, STOMP Out Bullying promotes civility, inclusion and equality. It teaches effective solutions on how to respond to all forms of bullying, as well as educating kids and teens in school and online. It provides help for those in need and at risk of suicide, and raises awareness through peer mentoring programs in schools, public service announcements by noted celebrities, and social media campaigns.

STOMP Out Bullying™ says NO to victimization, NO to anti-bullying legislation that does not work and NO to the hate and intolerance of others. We do say YES to choosing kindness, YES to teaching empathy, YES to accepting others NO MATTER™ what they look like, their race, their beliefs, or their sexual orientation or gender, and YES to becoming responsible and kind digital citizens.

Both STOMP Out Bullying™ and its Annual BLUE SHIRT DAY® WORLD DAY OF BULLYING PREVENTION™ initiative brings awareness and educates kids, teens, parents and schools about the issue. It offers hope for every student who experiences the harmful effects of all forms of bullying and teaches parents to keep open communication with their kids and teens and to look for signs. It also educates school administrators across the country, who have swept this issue under the rug for far too long.

Funds raised for the campaign go towards assisting students in need of help and at-risk of suicide. Funds also support the HelpChat Line, in-school education, changing the culture and other prevention programs; as well as public awareness and education, a dedicated website, brochures, an Educator's Bullying Prevention Toolkit and additional education and bullying prevention resources and materials.

Today's students are at-risk, and that risk grows more and more everyday as the popularity of the Internet increases. Today our youths are exposed to so much more than we were years ago. And years ago, when a kid or teen threatened to kill someone they didn't mean it. Today students have access to guns and other weapons and the threat to kill someone is no longer idle.

The issues of bullying and cyberbullying have increased to growing proportions. As a form of violence against children of all ages, these issues have caused a crisis. Some victims are so tormented that suicide has become an alternative for them. It has everyone worried. Not just the kids and teens on its receiving end, but the parents, teachers and others who may not understand how extreme bullying can get. STOMP Out Bullying™ works aggressively to prevent these issues and to help those affected by it.

Adults must empower the victims and help change the behavior of the bullies. Schools must react swiftly and redirect negative behaviors into positive and productive solutions.

Bystanders who witness the assaults, harassment and threats must not remain silent. They must stand up for others.

Our youth need to know they are valued and protected.

The goal of STOMP Out Bullying™ is to put an end to this crisis, to keep children of all ages safe and to create bullying prevention education in schools and online.

Please join us in our efforts to educate and advocate and most of all to STOMP Out Bullying!

STOMP Out Bullying™ is proud to serve as a partner of "America's Promise Alliance" founded by General Colin Powell, and to be called upon by the media as a leading expert in Bullying and Cyberbullying prevention.
